Conservative Values Are More Than Words to Travis Ransom

Travis is a Member of the NRA and supports Constitutional Carry

Texas Roots, Conservative Values
ValuesAs Mayor of Atlanta, Texas, Travis Ransom lives and leads by our shared conservative principles. Travis cut the property tax rate twice, cut government waste, combined departments to save money, removed over 80 blighted structures, improved infrastructure, economic development, reduced debt, and ensured a 6-month cash reserve – all in just four years.

Christian Values
Travis’s greatest source of pride is his family where he and his wife Emily strive to live by teachings of Christ. Every Sunday morning, Travis Emily, and their children walk to Sunday service at First Baptist Church in Atlanta, where they have been life long members.

Protecting Our Nation
From being an Eagle Scout to a Command Sergeant Major in the U.S. Army Reserve, Travis has always served others with honor and integrity. Travis is personally responsible for an Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion with over 360 assigned intelligence Soldiers and has led vital counterintelligence operations to protect our nation in an era of persistent conflict. Travis knows we must fight to protect our liberty each and every day – or we will lose it.